Human Communications Wiki
Advertisement 30 March 2012

Molecular communications

Up to now, I focused on wireless channel modeling. In fact, I studied magnetic channels when I first entered in the company. Now, I changed my research area from wirless communication engineering to new science field research. Therefore, I have a mind that I need to update my interesting research field to be chaged to new area.

One of my recent research field is the channel modeling of a solar cell active layer. It is very similar between an wireless communicaiton channel and an active layer channel. One of researchers showed that he is now moving to new research area in communications, which includes ionic channels.

Like in wireless communicaiton channels, the efficiency can be measured from creation to dissociation. In this new research ar…

Read Full Post 6 February 2012

From linear to advanced modeling

For beamfomring, we have considered only linear formulation.

Read Full Post 21 August 2011

Change to write simple documents

Up to now, I thought that I need to write technically difficult document. It is right to communicate with technically advanced people in specific areas. However, in order to communicate easily with common people I realize that easy writing is more effective even for technical document. They can not realize technically difficult document if his major or interest are little different from mine.

가독력을 높이기 위해 가끔씩 한글을 섞어쓴다

I can not append pictures or photos founded from Internet to this Wikia page. Sometimes it is more effective to add a picture which is related to my text.

I can make one trick in order to improve readability of my English blog and easy writing it. I can add Korean text in between English text.

Read Full Post 28 July 2011

From simple math using latex format

In order to practice handling math equations in latex documents, it is a good idea to start with simple equations. We can describe addition of two varaibles as follows:

where we use two different types of formation for each operation. The multiplication and division operation must be calculated earlier than addition and subtraction. Hence, multiplication and division formulations are usually written simplified forms.

Read Full Post 17 July 2011

Lab-cademy (Laboratory + Academy)

I want to build a labcademy, which is different from conventinoal research Lab since it pursuits educational service as well as internal research. The objective of this new instrument is provide high quality education service and research consulting. More and more people want to participate an education course regardless one's age~

Read Full Post 11 July 2011

한글로도 글을 쓰자

여기에 영어로만 포스팅했었는데 앞으로는 한글로도 포스팅해야겠다. 때로는 한글과 영어를 섞어쓸 수도 있을 것 같다.

I always write in English here but I think it is also good idea to write documents in English as well. This is a page for me to share a good news with friends. Whenever, I write in Engish I want to quit and to do something else. I think as I'm not native speaker or writer in English I feel uncompatable when I write in English.

To me, recently two keywords of cooperation and complex change my life a lot. Now I am studying computational science which is related to basic science such as physics, chemical and biology. Up to now, computational technology has impacted only on engineering areas. However, it will offers its helps to science research. In science research, there are two d…

Read Full Post 6 July 2011

2011-07-06 personal note

I thought that in order to be a great writer, he should be born with a great talent in that area. Now, I realze that there is another way to be a great writer. Almost anybody can be like that if he practice a lot in one area. Practice make people different. One can be a great writer. One cen be a great artist. One can be a great scientist.

I also realize that good mathematician can be created by his long time effort with pleasure. If he like an area and practice a lot he will have a great potential to be a fomus person in that area almost regardless of his inhererent talent.

The capacity of a communication system can be wirtten as

is the noise spectral density.
Read Full Post 2 July 2011

Law of large numbers

If the number of trials becomes larger and larger, the empirical average value goes to the ensemble average of the event. The empirical average value is given by

becomes higher,

  • 1 Non-technical Memo
    • 1.1 Associated Information
    • 2.1 Emotional math and English

What is the definition of law of large number? Although it seems to be very simple to prove since it is very intuitive, the real formulation to prove it is not a simple. How this phenomena happens?

Why it is difficult to prove some idea which is intuitively simple but mathematically difficult? We all knows that 1+1 = 2 but it is really hard to prove it. THe proving has benn innitiated from Euclid's math. He initially suggested 6 axioms before he prooves all other theorems by the use of 6…

Read Full Post 19 June 2011

Interference management for future ad-hoc networks

More and more many mobile devices are used in our life. Recently, ear phones are connected to mobile phones wirelessly and mobile phones can be linked to cars with bluetooth wireless connectivity technology. Up to now, the link is designed for low rate communciations such as voice or audio links, which required less throughput.

Some applications whic are baed on video information requires high throughput links. In order to use high throughput wireless links, large bandwidth is needed unless advanced interference mangement schemes are not used. Frequency bands for personal wirelss equipments are limited by radion regulation because already most feasible spectrum resource are allocated for other purposes including medical, puplic purposes.

Read Full Post 21 May 2011

Lecture for Information theory and medical devices

I am interesting in a subject which is about 'information theory and medical devices'.

Today I saw very interesting technical homepage, which is about [Molecular Information Theory]. This site studies about information theory for molecular research. This site picks up two important formulations which were derived by Claud Shannon and are given as follows:

I also want to apply this mathematical theories to other applications.

Read Full Post 30 January 2011

English writing is not easy.

Recently, I feel that many English text documents written by Korean includes errors in terms of grammar and spelling.

Even if the sentences written in English is okay, technical quality of most English documents is so poor. It is also true to people who are quite good at English. One of important reasons in that result is that there is an important difference between speaking and writing. When we speak our ideas, we cannot modify our spoken sentences while the modification is easier and more free for writing. On the contrary, when we write our idea in the paper, we can rewrite it sufficiently many times until we publish it. Hence, rewriting and polishing jobs are mandatory in writing tasks. Even if the polishing is mandatory in writing, peo…

Read Full Post 20 November 2010

I want to be a write for both languages~

I want to be a good writer who can use both languages which are Korean and English.

I want to talk with Global language in order to discuss with global people as many as possible.

Moreover, I want to discuss also with native people for increasing happiness. Communications are important for people to live.

Read Full Post 1 November 2010

Two important science-technologies~

Today I realize why two IT business of the semi-conductor and mobile communication devices have been emerged in our recent history compared to other business. After the Einstein's discovery of the new theory, two different device area technologies has been developed so greatly compared to other device technologies.

There were two important problems in modern science which are atoms and light. The behavioral rules of two areas are clearly proven by modern scientists. However, the relationship between two areas are not yet proven clearly. Once we focus on the atom force, we can not justify the force rule of the propagation. There is also another area of sound propagation which is in between of two other areas.

  • 1 Material Force Rule
  • 2 Propagation …

Read Full Post 23 September 2010

i want to be a good English writer.

I want to be a good English writer about Sci-Fi books. How can I be a that although I'm not a native speaker. I guess many people in the world also want to be like that but they will usually forgive it.

Read Full Post 20 September 2010

Beyond information theory

I want to collect all theorems used in communications and information processing research. It is hard to remember all theorems in memory as a human since there are so many theorems useful for new idea proposal cases. When we propose new idea we must prove it by the use of conventional theorems.

I don't know why but whenever I want to write something in English, I become tired and feel sleepy. I can not match two facts and have no found yet the relationship the use of English and tiresome. Now at this moment, I'm so sleepy that I feel I must go to bed.

I didn't want to write my idea any more in this Wikia because I could not listen any opinion from others. When I talk with someone else in offline, I can hear their answer quick, so I am happy …

Read Full Post 13 September 2010

노벨상 도전에 교양 지식은 필수

한국 과학/문학/의학자들이 좋은 업적을 만들어가고 있음에도 아직 노벨상 미수상을 포함하여 세계적인 석학으로 인식되고 있지 못함에는 국제 지식인들과 소통의 한계도 한몫하고 있다고 생각한다. 특히 원활한 소통은 전공지식뿐아니라 적절한 교양 지식을 겸비할 때 가능해지는데 사지선다식 일방통행 교육에 익숙한 우리나라 학자들은 문제를 파고 들어서 해결하는데는 강하지만 넓을 교양의 겸비를 통해 새로운 분야를 창조하고 외부와 소통하는데는 턱없이 역량이 부족하다.

스탠포드에 저명하신 IT 분야의 한 교수님이 계신다. 그분은 우리가 방문하면 집에 초대해 우선 향이 좋은 와인을 접대하신다. 와인을 마시고 분위기가 무르오르면 자리에서 일어나서 거실에서 무언가를 가지고 오신다. 바이올린을 가지고 오시는데 IT 분야의 교수님이기 설마 연주를 하지는 않으시겠지라고 생각이 든다. 아니 연주를 하신다고 해도 초보 수준이겠지라고 생각한다. 그러나 이윽고 교수님의 연주가 시작되고 모두는 놀라움을 금치 못한다.

바이올린 연주에 익숙하지 않은 사람이 듣기에도 교수님의 연주 솜씨가 일급 수준임을 쉽게 알아 볼 수 있을 정도이기 때문이다. 교수님의 바이올린 연주 솜씨를 보고 와서 이렇게 말하는 경우를 보았다. 유명하신 교수님께서 바이올린까지 연주하시더라. 그것도 수준급으로 하시더라. 그렇지만 최근에 나는 아케오가 쓴 '서양 음악사'라는 책을 읽고 생각의 전환이 필요함을 다시금 실감했다. 유명한 IT 전문가가 바이올린까지 잘 연주한 것이 아니라 수준급으로 바이올린 …

Read Full Post 5 September 2010

미래 전문가의 조건

미래 전문가는 세 가지의 조건이 갖추어질때 진가가 빛날 수 있다. 세 가지 조건은 창의, 실력 그리고 정성이다. 창의가 가장 우선이다. 그렇지만 정성이 가장 최우이며 정성없는 마무리는 창의적인 결과의 수준을 떨어뜨린다.

Read Full Post 5 September 2010

사용자 경험은 얼마나 중요할까?

요즘 인터넷 사이트를 돌아다니다 보면 사용자 경험을 공유하는 곳이 여기저기 눈에 뛴다. 오디오를 예를 들어보면 오디오에 대한 각종 경험들이 나와있다. 경험들은 적은 글에 보면 공통적으로 전문가가 아니기 때문에 자세한 것은 모른다는 주석이 자주 달려있다.

전문가의 지식과 사용자의 경험은 어떤 차이가 있을까? 우선 전문가들은 분석적이다. 이론을 많이 알고 있기 때문에 이론에 기반하여 현상을 판단한다. 웹에 오디오인포라는 사이트가 있다. 사용자들이 중심이 되어서 새로운 오디오를 살때는 어떤 부분을 잘 점검해봐야 한다는 글들이 많이 올라와 있다. 이론에 기반한 전문가가 보기에는 엉터리 내용들이 많을 것이다. 이론적으로 보면 그것은 그런것이 아닌데 사용자가 단지 사용해본 경험으로 이렇게 하라 이렇게 하지 말라고 하는 말들이 엉터리로 보일 때가 사실 많이 있다.

경험자들중에는 오디오를 만드는 회사를 다녔다든지 오디오를 기술을 전공했다든지 하는 전문가가 없지는 않을 것이다. 그렇지만 대체적으로 자신의 취미를 위해서 여러 정보를 모으고 알아보는 경우가 많기 때문에 대부분의 경험치를 올리는 사람들이 전문가일 것이라는 가설은 일단 접어두도록 하자. 오디오 전문가들에게는 아날로그 전문가라는 말이 따라붙는다. 디지털 시대가 되면서 부터 경험보다는 이론이 직접 시스템에 적용되기 시작하면서 부터 아날로그 경험이 덜 중요해졌던 같다. 그렇지만 디지털 신호처리는 근복적인 소자를 바꾸지는 못하기 때문에 소리의 수준을 높이는데는 한계가 있다. 따라서 근래…

Read Full Post 18 July 2010

Aritificial Intelligent Computer Language

I now realized that currently, a computer language is going to be similar to a human language. It is good idea for people to use it easily. However, I think, in order to be much easier for each human, the computer language should be adapted to each user. Remind that any previous computer language are not changed automatically as a function of the user style. Some object oriented languages can be changed their keyword functions by user programing but not be changed automatically based on interaction with a user.

My language style, I believe, is quite different from my friend's one. Hence, I can say that there must be something to be learned from a user but not only something which a user must study.

Read Full Post 2 June 2010

Free and self-organized team

Now we can see that free and self-orgrnzied business styles are emerging. However, there is always other type of ordering even in free teams.

Read Full Post 29 May 2010

Creative companies can save advertisement fee.

Why many journals and TVs talk about Apple and Google for free? It is because they are creative, generate fundamentally NEW-products, isn't it?

Therefore, I can say that if you produce creative new products, you can ever save advertisement fee as well. It is additional benefit for creative companies such as Google and Apple but not for second fast companies, which must spend a great fee for advertisement. The second fast can not have a chance to ride free bus, for example.

Read Full Post 23 May 2010

Philosophy is my soul

I'm a tele-communication engineer but recently I used to read philosophy books sometimes.

After I read philosophy books I found old people including phylosopians also spent their time to consider similar worries about their life.

Read Full Post 23 May 2010

Martyrs vs. Scienists & Philosopher

Who is diffcult to live between a martyr and a philospher. Peple can think a martyr can live difficult because they will die.

Read Full Post 7 May 2010

사이언티스트의 말을 믿어야 하는 이유

나는 오늘 의료 관련 새롭고도 중요한 사실을 알게되었다. 요즘 바이오 사이언스의 발전으로 과거에는 불가능하던 치료를 해내고 있다는 것이다. 한가지가 신경과 관련된 과학 기술이다. 이전에는 중요한 신경이 끊어지면 수술해서 연결하지 않는 한 신경 기능이 망가지게 되는 걸로 알려져 있었다. 하지만 최근 과학적 연구 결과, 두 신경을 이어준 뒤 전기 자극을 주게되면 훨씬 빠르게 활성화 된다는 것이 실험적으로 증명이 되었다.

올초 나는 스키를 타다가 다리 인대가 일부 찢어지고 늘어났다. 병원에 가보니 처음에는 수술을 해야 될지도 모르겠다고 했었지만 MRI를 찍어 보니 수술할 정도는 아니였다. 그래서 2개월 정도 반깁스를 하고 다녔다. 반깁스는 풀었다 다시 맬 수 있기 때문에 재활 치료를 병행하여 진행했다. 재활 치료는 3가지 형태로 이루어졌다.

Read Full Post 5 May 2010

초감성사회 - 통신 기술자가 미술을 보게된 사연

통신기술 연구 분야에 있어 이렇게 큰 변화가 오고 있는 적은 처음이다. 내가 처음 통신 기술을 접하고 알게된 것이 ISI였다. 그 이후 터보코딩이였다. 다음은 MIMO였다. 단계별로 변화가 컸지만 지금의 변화는 그 이전과는 비교가 되지 않는다. 본 글의 제목도 통신분야의 일대 혁신이 불고 있다고 표현해야 맞을 정도로 지금 불어닥친 변화는 실로 충격적이다.

학자들은 통신 분야의 근본 변혁은 샤논이론의 도입에서 들고 있다. 샤논 이론이 도입되기 전까지는 신호의 상태가 나쁘면 오류가 생길 수 밖에 없다고 생각했다. 그러나 샤논은 신호의 상태는 오류를 결정하는 것이 아니라 보낼 수 있는 데이타의 전송량과 관련이 있다는 충격적인 결과를 발표하였다. 그렇지만 샤논은 이론만 보였지 어떻게하면 오류 없이 신호를 보낼 수 있는지에 대한 구체적인 방법은 제시하지 못했다. 다만 그는 신호의 상태에 적합한 일정 이하의 전송속도로만 보내면 오류가 나지 않는다는 이론만 보여준 것이다.

학자들은 샤논이론의 달성을 위해 많은 노력을 했다. 첫번째 노력이 채널 코딩이였다. 채널 코딩을 복잡하지 않게 구현하여 샤논이 약속한 이론 용량을 달성토록 하려는 노력이였다. 디지털 기술의 발달로 채널 코딩 기술 개발의 노력은 소기의 성과를 달성하고 있다. 대표적인 용량 달성 기술이 바로 터보 코드와 LDPC 코드이다. 두 코딩 기술은 샤논이 가정하였던 무한 패킷 길이라는 조건을 완하시키기도 했다. 무엇보다도 이론적으로는 무수히 많은 코드들을 테스트해보고 최적의 성능…

Read Full Post 5 May 2010

트위터는 웹 문화를 어떻게 바꾸고 있나

트위터는 데스크탑 웹들을 활성화 시키고 있다. 예전에는 유명한 사이트에 블로깅을 해야 노출될 확률이 높았는데 이제는 어떤 사이트에 블로깅하고가 크게 중요하지 않다. 더 중요해진 것은 나의 트위터에 얼마나 많은 사용자가 참여하고 있느냐이다. 내가 사용자가 많으면 나의 글은 많은 사람이 보게될 확률이 높다. 따라서 이전에는 접속률이 낮았던 웹들이 성능만 뛰어나다면 노출될 확률이 높아졌다.

나는 요즘 웹의 광고적 특성에 놀라고 있다. 예를들어 내 글이 초기 화면에 비쳐지는 경우는 천명 이상의 방문자가 들어온다. 그러나 첫 화면에 비쳐지지 않는 경우는 수십명 정도만 방문한다. 참 신기하다. 그리고 첫 화면에 리스트가 되지 않고 뒤의 리스트에 포함될 경우 글의 내용의 수준에 상관없이 잘 읽혀지지 않는다. 실력만이 성공을 결정하지 않는다는 한가지 예이다. 자신의 능력을 발휘할 기회가 없고 남이 알고 있지를 않다면 좋은 평가를 받기 힘들다는 것이다. 다시 말해 좋은 글도 광고가 되어야 많이 일게된다는 것이다.

Read Full Post 14 February 2010

West and oriental economists

Recently, I realized an interesting fact after I read a few articles in a few newspapers introducing famous economists. In western countries, almost famous economists are scholars while in eastern countries, those are company leaders.

I don't know the exact reason why there are such a big differences between two continentals when they consider great economists.There are no significant different between scholar's approaches and leader's approaches in eastern countries. Western people belie that theories are important to be success while Eastern people think real outputs are the most important measure to decide whether the leader is great or not. Because of Plato and his follows, they start to be interested in theories although the values of …

Read Full Post 1 November 2009

Rough Draft and Human Multitasking

After I read an article about rough draft at the beginning stage of writing, I changed my writing style. Before I read that article, I was very afraid to write something whenever I were requested to write. I hesitated to write my idea because my idea in my mind is not completed yet in the sense of grammar, logic, spelling and sometime shape of my handwriting. Now, I can write at any time for any topic because I realize my first writing can be revised later on, which is not possible for my live talking. For the first time, I'll write what I have items in my mind regardless how much related to the given topic.

I added the following sentences in the part of 'rough draft' in the knol article of How to write an effective essay for giving more in…

Read Full Post 31 October 2009

PU2RC Reference Books

Today, I know that books can be searched by the Google book search. I had found the books who refer to PU2RC. The reference statements in each book are displayed with the page number. Moreover, I added reference statements for each reference materials. Since the Google scholar search seems not to show the number of citations for not paper documentation such as standard contributions.

I wish to upgrade PU2RC documents to sent to a request. I will give him the citation list of PU2RC together with evidence notes. Each citation statement includes evidence information such as the text referring to any PU2RC source document. For example, if paper A refer to PU2RC paper X, I will describe the sentence which refers to PU2RC paper X below the statem…

Read Full Post 17 October 2009

Future Educton will ignore verval and literal abilities.

In 20c, the literacy audibility is the most important topic in the elementary educations. In earlier centuries than 20c, the speaking and listening ability has been important topic of the elementary education.

Recently, many futurists predicted that in 2050, there will be no more literal communications because we can use video and voice sufficiently as we use YouTube now. All knowledge will be recorded as multimedia information differently from recent centuries. In fact, we spend too long time to be educated for literacy ability in our elementary, middle and high school periods. Once our writing culture is disappeared as in old century, the mandatory education time will be far reduced. We don't need to go even middle and high schools in a s…

Read Full Post 10 October 2009

The Inverse 10,000-Hour Rule

While The 10,000-Hour Rule is famous since this rule emphasizes the importance of the practice time, The inverse 10,000-Hour Rule points out the difficulty to catch up someone in his strong area. The inverse 10,000-Hour Rule is true because if someone already spend 10,000-Hour in his strong area based The 10,000-Hour Rule, how you spend 10,000-Hour from now and on, which takes almost 10 year if you spend amazingly 3-Hour in a day for the specific area. Hence, we say that it is better idea to find the other area than concentrating on other's already strong areas.

Wording is the only tool for technical papers, patents and softwares with a slight portion of drawing to support wording in those three outcomes. If you want to be good at now to those thr…

Read Full Post 10 October 2009

The reason to combination use of your wikia and knol articles

There are pros and cons in both wikia and knol. Hence, if we use by combination of two knowledge management systems, the power of personal knowledge management will be much bigger than using only one of them. On the other hands, it is still questionable whether it is useful to post some articles in open-sites.

Documentation is more useful than verbal talking because we can save our knowledge and improve personal knowledge securely.

Read Full Post 4 October 2009

Mountain Climbing Theory

I thought previously that a man, who has many experience in climbing a mountain, feel easy but losses his calories as much as when he first climbs a mountain. Now my thought is changed. The man will spend much less energy when he climb mountain continuously. When a man climb a mountain long times after, his body will tests several organ to search an energy efficient method even if he know how to climb a mountain. Later when he climb a mountain again, the body will spend much less energy than his first trial because the body will use his organs most energy efficiently.

Read Full Post 26 September 2009

Core-Technologies for Enhanced WIreless Communications

We compare the candidate technologies for advanced wireless communications for multi-giga bits transmission. In the future wireless devices are expected to require basically ultra high rate (UHR) for ultra high definition video delivery but also other subjects including range extension, low power and minimal mobility adaptation. The following state-of-art technologies can satisfy some conditions but not all for future wireless networks. Therefore, we compare the advantages or disadvantages to choose optimal candidate and development strategy.

  • 1 Candidate Technologies
    • 1.1 Cognitive Radio (CR)
    • 1.2 Ultra-wide Band (UWB)
    • 1.3 WiFi with MIMO
    • 1.4 60GHz (Ultra High Frequency)
  • 2 References

Read Full Post 26 September 2009

HIstory of MU-MIMO in Cellular Systems

The initial MU-MIMO technique has been submitted to solve the fundamental problems of multi-antenna diversity technique in cellular networks when use for packet scheduling systems. It has been proved that the Alamouti technique can degrade the performance of high speed packet access sytems because it can smoothing the peak of the user channel. We discuss the brief history of multiuser MIMO systems in the following sections based on the above motivation.

  • 1 TxD with HSDPA
  • 2 TxAA for multiuser transmission
  • 3 PU2RC for MIMO
  • 4 Dynamic PU2RC
  • 5 PU2RC (Evolutionary) vs. ZFBF (Revolutionary)
  • 6 Modified-PU2RC
    • 6.1 Semi-unitary
    • 6.2 Rotated-PU2RC
  • 7 PU2RC + ZFBF
  • 8 PU2RC-CQI for ZFBF
    • 8.1 PU2RC for Relay Networks
  • 9 Beyond PU2RC

  • Delta

Read Full Post 20 September 2009

I like mindmap

I like to use mindmap tools which are good tools for knowledge management personally. Without describing my ideas into mind-map, it is hard to develop into bigger idea. Hence I purchased my money for the right of the use of one on-line mindmap tool, which is MindMeister.

Read Full Post 20 September 2009

From Cellular Networks to Ad-Hoc Networks

The network architecture of the initial mobile communication system is definitely not cellular networks. The networks of the mobile communication system is later changed from two-way radio networks to wireless cellular networks in order to reduce inter-user interference. Similarly, the current wireless cellular network is not suitable to sustain the complex interference condition for delivering high quality multimedia internet information so that consideration of a new wireless network architecture is emerging. One of candidate architecture is wireless ad-hoc networks considered in corresponding literature.

Read Full Post 3 September 2009

Lagrange Multiplier

Even if Lagrange multiplier is an important mathematical tool, I haven't been used it up to now. It is simple than its look. When we need to optimize two variables with conditioning on the combination of the two variables.

I describe the contents of video to help readers' understanding.

We want to minimize .

Read Full Post 29 August 2009

Build Multi-Antenna Theorem (MRT) Page

I'll build the multi-antenna theorem (MAT) and the multi-antenna reference (MAR) pages. Even if I make a new rule for citation, I'll not change the previous every wiki-pages because the conventional citation method is still wrong except that it is not universal in my whole pages in Wikia.

I'll build the multi-antenna theorem (MAT) page which collects theorems related to multiple antenna technology. For other technology which is useful for multiple antenna description, I will build non multi-antenna theorem (NMAT) page. The index of each MAT can be identified as, for example, MAT-J06NOVT1 (author first initial, year, month, theorem number) which represents theorem 1 in the MAR-J06NOV paper where MAR-J06NOV is the index of the multi-antenna…

Read Full Post 22 August 2009


I​’​m​ ​w​r​t​i​n​g​ ​t​h​i​s​ ​s​c​i​e​n​c​e​ ​a​r​t​i​c​l​e​ ​i​n​ ​E​n​g​l​i​s​h​.​ ​W​h​e​n​ ​I​ ​o​p​e​n​ ​t​h​i​s​ ​b​l​o​g​,​ ​a​s​ ​y​o​u​ ​c​a​n​ ​s​e​e​ ​i​n​ ​t​h​e​ ​s​u​b​-​c​a​t​e​g​o​r​i​e​s​ ​I​ ​w​a​s​ ​p​l​a​n​e​d​ ​t​o​ ​w​r​i​t​e​ ​s​o​m​e​ ​s​c​i​e​n​c​e​ ​a​r​t​i​c​l​e​s​ ​i​n​ ​E​n​g​l​i​s​h​ ​s​o​ ​a​s​ ​t​o​ ​p​r​o​v​i​d​e​ ​g​l​o​b​a​l​ ​s​c​i​e​n​c​e​ ​i​n​f​o​r​m​a​t​i​o​n​ ​f​o​r​ ​r​e​a​d​e​r​s​.​

I​n​ ​t​h​e​ ​p​r​e​i​v​o​u​s​ ​a​r​t​i​c​l​e​s​,​ ​w​e​ ​d​i​s​c​u​s​s​e​d​ ​a​b​o​u​t​ ​t​h​e​ ​l​o​g​-​m​i​n​d​ ​a​s​ ​o​n​e​ ​o​f​ ​n​e​w​ ​s​c​i​e​n​c​e​ ​i​t​e​m​s​.​ ​T​h​e​ ​l​o​g​-​m​i​n​d​ ​a​r​t​i​c​l​e​ ​s​h​o​w​s​ ​t​h​a​t​ ​p​e​o​p​l​e​ ​s​o​m​e​t​i​m​e​s​ ​m​i​s​t​a​k​e​ ​s​o​m​e​ ​d​e​c​i​s​i​o​n​s​ ​b…

Read Full Post 22 August 2009

Improve knowledge

Generally, oriental people use direct dialog for knowledge exchange. By the dialog based knowledge exchange, our brain can remember more information and update old memory. However, it is one the great disadvantages that the direct dialog method can not store the exchanged information for the future use. The following is the evolution history of the dialog method:

  • Step 1: Talking to one of close friends
  • Step 2: Dialog with a not familiar friend or an expert
  • Step 3: Speech in front of many people and watch their response, hear their comments, and discuss with audiences in depth.

However, western people have realized how to use writing earlier than other people. Writing enable us to improve our knowledge and can improve knowledge productivity si…

Read Full Post 21 August 2009

New way to write a set of technical articles: conf, journal, thesis, book

I have now decide to write a set of technical articles as a new but simple way. Up to now, for example I wanted to write my thesis by collecting my previous three journal papers. However, now I realize to combine papers with different topics are not easy and not valuable.

I'll write one topic articles with different depth levels for conference, journal, thesis and book versions.

Remind that it should be not ignored the previous direction. I'll at the same time keep writing my previous style thesis because I can not know which style can be the wining model.

Up to now, I have tried to read before writing since I thought my English and Technical is not enough to write right now and I need to study to get enough idea and skill. However, I now rea…

Read Full Post 19 August 2009

The World is Chaos

  • 1 Faster than the Speed of Light
  • 2 Determinism, relativity, probability and Chaotic
  • 3 The World is Chaos: A Science History of the Twenty-First Century
  • 4 Reference

The uncertainty principle already raveled the possible of exceeding the speed of light with zero mass intermediator although it hasn't been clearly defined yet.

  • Determinism: Absolutism, Monotheistic

The famous journalist Thomas Friedman said 'The World is Flat: A Brief History of the Twenty-First Century'. However, I want to say totally differently as 'The World is Chaos: A Science History of the Twenty-First Century'.

Do you think that the world is rotating around the Sun? It is definitely right. But do you think it ment as well that the trajectory of the Globe circulation is deterministi…

Read Full Post 14 August 2009

Basic Mathematical Tools

Now I realize that for performance analysis in wireless communication systems, we frequently use the following three mathematical tools:

  • Lagrange multipliers
  • Jensen's inequality
  • Taylor series

I will explain how to use these mathematical tools by showing related simple examples.

When we want to solve simple mathematical problems, we usually try to find solutions exactly matched to the given problem, i.e., try to find closed form solutions. If we are interested only in a closed form solution, we will meet a number of fundamental limitations to solve highly complex problems.

  • First, because of computational complexity it is not easy for the recent approach to find a solution for more than third order polynomial equations or for equations including n…

Read Full Post 14 August 2009

Any body who comes to see this wikia

I'm wondering who is coming to this Wikia? There is no signaling which shows number of visits.

Read Full Post 8 August 2009

Going out or not, today

I don't know whether it is good idea to go out now to see my friend. I think I need to see more papers and write my paper instead of going out now. Time is more important to me than frequent refresh, especially nowadays. Without having sufficient time, I can not complete my paper in time even if my ability becomes sufficiently high (e.g., perfect level).

Read Full Post 8 August 2009

Science Based Future Prediction (SBFP)

I want to talk about future prediction methodology based on science. First, we can predict the direction of future science. Next, scientific methods can be used to predict the futures.

Read Full Post 1 August 2009

Jeju island

I'm now in Jeju island. Jeju has been continouously upgrading. Now, More and more good places to visit are being built.

I thought that Jeju is still underdeveloped although the tour business becomes a popular business as an example of service businesses. Contrary to my thought, many places in Jeju are upgrading and newly developed for high-level tour service.

We visited a number of places which provide shows or exhibitions. Here are some of my visited places.

First, I saw one performance, which is an spectacular horse show with an historical story of Jinghiz Khan. The show is much big than my expectation based on previous time visiting. MBC and one CC club co-open this new performance theater. The drama is a story about Jinghiz Khan such as h…

Read Full Post 26 July 2009

Wireless Communication Lecture (1)

A few days ago, I discussed with my friend about wireless communication theories during going to a short trip. We went to a small lake. It takes us more than one hour to reach the lake by a car.

My friend's major is not telecommunications nor any engineering part. In spite of his background, he understood about my lecture better than my expectation. One of the reasons which makes my friend understand well is his special characteristic. He continuously asks why whenever misunderstanding points until he becomes clarified. This chracteristic allows him to learn a non-majored area better than general his area people. He asked reasons of every unknown facts. That is, whenever he heard new information during my talking about wireless theories, he…

Read Full Post 26 July 2009

History of wireless

I found an interesting site showing the history of wireless.

Read Full Post
